Email: Office: CIT 507

Hi there!

I am an Assistant Professor in the Brown University Computer Science Department. I’m broadly interested in theoretical computer science but I’m especially keen on graph-theoretic questions in approximation algorithms, online algorithms, distributed algorithms and metric embeddings.

I completed my PhD in computer science in the Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Department where I was very fortunate to be advised by Bernhard Haeupler and R. Ravi. After that, I spent a lovely year as a postdoc in the ETH Zürich Math Department where I was hosted by the inimitable Rico Zenklusen in the Mathematical Optimization Group.

If you’re a student interested in doing research on algorithms with me, please read this page.

I’m organizing the Brown Theory Seminar in Spring 2024.

Recent Publications

Some recent publications that I’m particularly excited about and or actively working on.

Ghost Value Augmentation for k-Edge-ConnectivitySTOC 2024
with Nathan Klein, Rico Zenklusen
(Symposium on Theory of Computing)
Invited to SICOMP Special Issue

One Tree to Rule Them All: Poly-Logarithmic Universal Steiner TreeFOCS 2023
with C. Busch, D.Q. Chen, A. Filtser, D. Hathcock, R. Rajaraman
(Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science)

Maximum Length-Constrained Flows and Disjoint Paths...STOC 2023
with Bernhard Haeupler, Thatchaphol Saranurak
(Symposium on Theory of Computing)