Email: Office: CIT 507

Hi there!

I am an Assistant Professor in the Brown University Computer Science Department. I’m broadly interested in theoretical computer science but I’m especially keen on graph-theoretic questions in approximation algorithms, online algorithms, distributed algorithms and metric embeddings.

I completed my PhD in computer science in the Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Department where I was very fortunate to be advised by Bernhard Haeupler and R. Ravi. After that, I spent a lovely year as a postdoc in the ETH Zürich Math Department where I was hosted by the inimitable Rico Zenklusen in the Mathematical Optimization Group.

If you’re a student interested in doing research on algorithms with me, please read this page.

If you’re in the Boston/Providence area, consider giving a talk at Brown Theory Seminar!

Recent Publications

Some recent publications that I’m particularly excited about and or actively working on.

Ghost Value Augmentation for k-Edge-ConnectivitySTOC 2024
with Nathan Klein, Rico Zenklusen
(Symposium on Theory of Computing)
Invited to SICOMP Special Issue

One Tree to Rule Them All: Poly-Logarithmic Universal Steiner TreeFOCS 2023
with C. Busch, D.Q. Chen, A. Filtser, D. Hathcock, R. Rajaraman
(Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science)

Maximum Length-Constrained Flows and Disjoint Paths...STOC 2023
with Bernhard Haeupler, Thatchaphol Saranurak
(Symposium on Theory of Computing)